Posted by: bluefoxy | August 4, 2013

Chuffin’ Busy Week.

This last week I had something to do pretty much on every single day.

On Monday I went ahead and got myself that new mouse for my laptop…lo and behold, it does indeed work! I guess that other one has just died a death or something.
So there I was merrily doodling up a panel for Typhoon’s second answer when my dad alerted me to my mobile phone going off…and I couldn’t hear it way up in my bedroom as it was downstairs in the front room.
It was a reminder to go to Seetec for a jobsearch…good job my dad alerted me to that, I’d completely forgotten about that appointment! I think I’d have been in real trouble if I’d had missed another mandatory seetec appointment so soon after the last time I did that.

Obviously on Tuesday I had Banardos.
I knew there was a reason why I stay at Banardos…the boss lady brought in some twister lollies and let me have one.
Man, I haven’t had a twister lolly in ages…I musta still been a young cub the last time I had one…seems I’m not as keen on them now as I was back then.
Then my co-worker, Linda, brought in some chocolate sponge cupcakes from greggs…I had the one with coconut frosting on top. Yummy.

On Wednesday I had another jobcenter sign on. Just another bish-bash-bosh, see ya next time job.

On Thursday, Paul from Pure Radio had called me in as his emergency backup, because his other two star presenters for One Voice were off sick.
He wanted me to interview three ladies from Unison…you know, that anti-discrimination union?

And then on Friday I had another Seetec jobsearch. I used it to apply for a position at ALDI that my mum told me about. Fingers crossed…but I’m not holding my breath.

On the night between Tuesday + Wednesday I had a dream that I ran into my real life friend Luna at Stockport Market…she seemed to be with a couple of friends of hers too, and they were randomly playing with a buncha coloured pens a stall was selling. Hee hee hee.

Having sucessfully gained the “Rolled Over” achievement for Grand Theft Auto 4, I decided to give up on going after any more GTA 4 acheivements and downgraded to GTA 3…
It only took me Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning to finish GTA 3 and give Avatar: Burning Earth a complete once-over completion.

Oh yes, I’m just that good.
So now I’m playing through Tom Clancy’s ENDWAR, doing Europe’s campaign on the three levels of difficulty.
I managed to beat Normal and Expert difficulty easy enough, but hardcore mode really is hard.
I seem to be able to hold my own for the first 2 or 3 turns but then when it really starts to matter the game becomes near-impossible for me to beat.
I’m on my third re-start of hardcore mode coz I didn’t like the way the first two tries were going.
I seem to be doing okay this third try so far, though…I just need to get some winning momentum going…then the game’s in trouble.

Oh, and on Friday I finished the last panel for Typhoon’s second answer. So I’ve finished that now.
So now I’ve made a start on finishing off editing all that Scotland footage. I’ve already finished up Day 4 Part 2 and published it.
So now I gotta find where Day 4 Part 2 leaves off and make a start on Part 3.

On Saturday I had to give my dad £20 to stop him from being charged for going £16 over his overdraft limit which was apparently imminent…AND I had to give £100 to my uncle Brian coz he has this new job that’s miles away out in the middle of nowhere and he didn’t have enough money by himself to pay for the public transportation fare to get there.
He promises to pay me back once they start paying him…he better hang on to that job this time…not like all the other times when it only lasted a couple of weeks.

This morning I headed up to Stockport train station to take part in its 170th anniversary celebrations and snap some pictures.
They only had, like, 3 or 4 running model railway layouts…nowhere near as many as I’d hoped.
Pete Waterman was there to unveil the name for a new pendolino that’ll no doubt be serving our Manchester-London line.
I already had a feeling it’d have “Stockport” in the name…but I thought it was gonna be like “Town of Stockport” like there are pendolinos called “City of Manchester”, “City of Birmingham” and “City of London”.
Ah, well…”Stockport 170″ will have to do I suppose.
Then we had a steam loco stop by. I got some good shots of it coming in and of its name plate…but there as too many people crowding round the thing for me to get a clear shot of the whole engine while parked.
My dad sez he got a couple of shots from the other side…I shall need to have a look-see if they’re any good.

Anyway I had to get home again as quick as I could to make it to this week’s scheduled hosting of Club Zero. I JUST managed to get online on SL about 20 minutes before the shift’s start…only to be greeted with some bad news that a friend had to close down the sim I’d set up my home at coz it turned out to be too expensive. Dayumn.
I’m gonna have to have a look at that Club Zero schedule and work out if there’s any other perm shift I can take. I still need a steady stream of a reasonable amount of linden if I’ve any hope of owning my own rental where I can set up my home.

Hmmm. I’m not as over my neck muscle abuse habit as I thought I was with last week’s post. I can’t help it, it’s this stupid irritating bit of muscle / cartalidge / vein / whatever it is sticking out just to the right side of my asophagus…it’s annoying the mess out of me. I want it gone.

Weight check!
15 stone 1, 96.1 kg, 211.8 lb..
Are you EFFing kidding me? All that busy-ness during the week and not only do I not lose weight, but I GAIN weight?

Hmmm…I don’t think there’s anything else I really need to tell y’all about for this week…

So, until next week…

Ciao for now,
Cordially, The Blue Fox Thom.

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