Posted by: bluefoxy | September 22, 2013

Falling Into Place

Looks like everything that I’ve been setting out to do has fallen into place quite nicely this past week.

For starters, I finished editing both Day 5 Part 1 AND Day 5 Part 2 of my Scotland trip footage and I’ve even made a start on the cool animated intro I wanna put on it…it shouldn’t take too long…then a bit more clever editing to put it all together and BOOM! I’ll be laughing.

If that’s not enough, I’ve gotten my hands on those last 4 ribbons I needed to get in Battlefield 3.

Air Superiority – Done. Though it was done the kinda n00bish way with the Gunship in one of the Armoured Kill DLC maps…mind you before I did that I thought myself lucky to even get ONE kill with that thing coz everything else looks like ants, that flying tank is so high.

Armoured Warfare, MVP 2 and MVP I actually got all in one day…I was gunning for Armoured Warfare anyway…it was during a round of Conquest on Caspian Border, and I was on the US side…I grabbed an Abrams from the base, and plowed my way to 6 tank kills…one short of the required 7…then my tank got messed up…by a mine, I think it was…and by that time we’d taken so many enemy tickets there wasn’t enough time for me to grab another tank and get a 7th kill…
…imagine my surprise and utmost glee, though, when the round ended and the scoreboard revealed I’d gotten the most points of everybody…and I hadn’t really scored all that much…only in the low 3000’s…mind you, no-one else in the round scored much either…I only beat the next highest guy by just under 100 points…
…so I continue on in the same server, getting my butt handed to me in some moments and being the one doing the butt handing in other moments…
…we visit Caspian Border again…again, I’m on the US side, again, I grab an M1 Abrams…
…I drive around and get, like, 3 or 4 kills with that first Abrams before a couple of enemy engineers RPG’d me and I had to bail…I head over to objective A, where a fresh Abrams was waiting for me, as I knew one spawns there if the US is holding it…and then I drive over to objective B, blast another couple of guys trying to hide in the bushes with the main gun, then switch to the machine gun to try to get a guy that was hiding on top of a rock to my right…this last guy wisely kept his head down until a teammate hopped in the driver’s seat of my tank…then the guy on the rock suddenly popped his head up, and I let fly with machine gun fire…bang, zoom, Armoured Warfare ribbon.
Imagine my delight when the round ended and I found I had the second highest score this time around! The MVP was a teammate who was also owning with another Abrams.
*ding* achievements – Most Valuable Player, First Loser, Vehicle Warfare AND Decorated.

There’s a small handful of multiplayer achievements I can still get though…not sure I’ve got the right DLC for these first two though…
Complete Warrior – In a single life, get a kill with an assault rifle, a jet and a tank. – Assault Rifle and Tank? sure…Jet’s gonna be a bit trickier, though…
Deadly Tools – In a single life, get a kill with a Carbine, Pistol and a Rocket Launcher. – I’ve gotten 2 out of 3 in single lives before…I’ll work on this…
I’m pretty sure I got the right DLC for these next two though;
Transport Pilot – In a round of Capture The Flag, transport a friendly flag carrier in an air vehicle. – probably easier said than done what with enemy engineers, enemy choppers and enemy AAs all gunning for you.
It’s no Sidecar – Get a kill from the passenger position of a dirt bike. – ahhh, it doesn’t specify that the dirtbike has to be in motion…I could prolly take out someone from a stationary dirt bike passenger position…I’m not skillful enough to do it while it’s in motion.

Then there’s all the Co-op acheivements…I’ve tried to play the Co-op missions but I’m having trouble getting them to load at the moment…I dunno if it was because no-one else was playing them or what, but whatever…I’ll keep trying.

Moving on…and on Tuesday I had my last NCS appointment at Seetec…told them all about what happened with FLAG and stuff…and all they could really tell me was something I already know…I’m more than ready for a paid job, I just need SOMEONE to just give me a chance!

Anyway, after my NCS appointment I had some time to kill before I had to head off to Banardos, so I decided to nosey in some mobile phone stores to look at smartphones…the phone I have is just a touchscreen with no real smartphone capabilities and all I really use it for is the Calendar function to set reminders of important appointments in case I forget, what with my memory being none too reliable at the best of times.

Anyway, I spotted one phone called the Samsung Galaxy Mega in the three store…and it…looks…awesomesauce! I want it! But by the looks of things it’s only available on a monthly contract…bummer. I’d rather avoid a monthly contract and stick to pay-as-you-go, as I don’t really use my phone much and a pay-as-you-go phone would work out much cheaper for me.
I suppose I can make do with one of the pay-as-you-go Samsung Galaxies…whichever one’s the latest they got out when I have the money…but it’s not priority number 1.

If you remember, on my list of new things to get, priority 1 is a new computer…a proper gamer’s computer, so I can play;
– Spore
– SimCity (5)

After that, on my list I have the PS4, and subsequently some games for it;
– Watchdogs
– Infamous Second Son
– Battlefield 4
– Grand Theft Auto 5 …I’d imagine Rockstar wouldn’t wanna miss out on making their latest, greatest production available for the latest, greatest console, right?

After that, I’ll be looking into the handheld console Market for a PS Vita, with Wipeout 2098, and a Nintendo 3DS, with Poke’mon X.

THEN we’re onto new mobile phone territory. Here, we’re talking new Smartphone or even a tablet. Maybe even both.

After that, I’ll be getting mighty interested in an X-box 360, and subsequently, the three games I want to get on it;
– Halo Reach
– Minecraft
– Destiny

And I think that about wraps up my list of new things to get for now. Whooo, that’ll be a loooot of money going outta my bank account. Money that’ll take time to gather with just my jobseeker’s allowance…of course, it would go a whole lot faster with the kinda wages I’d get from a paid job…
getting a huge cash windfall somehow, like from winning the lottery, wouldn’t go amiss either.

I got an e-mail on my main e-mail account on Wednesday, claiming to be from PayPal, saying that there was unusual activity on my account…
…what account? I don’t use PayPal! I don’t trust the internet with my bank details, what with hackers and phishing sites buzzing around left, right and center. No matter how secure people say PayPal is, I’m not taking any chances.
The e-mail itself rang to the tune of being rather fishy as well…in the “from” line displaying PayPal’s support e-mail, it showed a second e-mail in brackets that looked like a very ordinary user’s e-mail with someone’s name and a few numbers after it…
Iiii’m pretty sure if that were a genuine e-mail from PayPal support, it wouldn’t have that second e-mail there, now would it? So I just deleted the thing.

I still can’t get that stupid verification code page to work in order to get my account unblocked. Maybe I should try accessing the “cannot verify by phone” page through the MSN help + support pages…

Weight Check!
15 stone 8, 99.2 kg, 218.6 lb.
Bugger, bugger, bugger, bugger….

…my parents went to Etherow today…oh, I wanted to go too…but I was in the middle of hosting at Club Zero in Second Life…I asked them if our trip to Etherow could wait until after 2 ‘o’ clock, when my Club Zero shift ended, and they said it couldn’t…
…well, why not? It’s not like Etherow’s going anywhere…and it doesn’t take us that long to walk round it…we still had a good portion of the afternoon left…
…I wish I had the guts to tell them that…

Well, I think that’s about all I have to talk about this week.

So, until next week…

Ciao for now,
Cordially, The Blue Fox Thom.

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